
Friday, January 4, 2013

1.4.13 Spencer

I can't stop sketching! I may have spent a couple of hours today working on stuff and thought I would upload some stuff. Hope you all like it. I may be continuing this idea of a sketch a day on a new blog. Comment or like this post if you would like that or you would follow. Thanks!

I was told this Psychology story about a princess that has a prince that comes to her and asks her to marry him. She declines, but the persistent prince talks to the King or father and convinces him that it would be in the best interest for all parties. The King gives up his daughter and after traveling to the prince's kingdom the princess realizes she truly doesn't want to be there and then she sneaks out in the middle of the night and is mauled by a bull. At the end of this story the question is asked who is at fault for the Princess' death? Supposedly you can tell if a person has a problem blaming others for bad things that happen to them. Basically I wanted to do sort of a throw back where I trace my hand and then create a person out of each of my fingers. So here you are. Sorry to ramble at you. 

Here is just a portrait of some guy. I was playing with the wide faces again. (:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

12.30.12 Spencer

Well I am trying to finish this year out strong and today in church I feel like I had a good day. (:


Saturday, December 29, 2012

12.29.12 Spencer

Only a couple more days left in the year!
So tonight I was chatting it up with an Uncle of mine who teaches art at a high school in Las Vegas and we were talking about how important it was to draw everyday and I realized I do draw everyday. AND even if I don't consider this stuff I am posting to be my best stuff I still want to share. Plus I have some funny stuff for sharing today.

This first one is a Pirate!!! (:

These next ones are a series of that game played where you fold your paper in half and one person draws the top and the other person draws the bottom! 

Alien invasion (Done by Aaron/Spencer)

Cowboy Cactus (Done by Spencer/Aaron)

Lady Christmas Ornament (Spencer/Uncle Dan)
(The lady was going to have 10 arms and 6 legs... Said Uncle Dan after the drawing had been completed!)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12.26.12 Spencer

I totally didn't get any drawings done today worth showing. I am working on a logo design for a friend, but I think he would like that to stay confidential. Here is the good news. I am still making a post today. My sister didn't throw my napkin drawing away. She ripped off the half that had my quick dinner sketch on it. of the Astronaut. So here it is. (: